Sunday, August 5, 2012

Key Lessons From Education Grants That Get Rejected

If your proposal seeking education grants gets rejected, what do you do? How are you going to cope with and move on from such heart-breaking news that can possibly linger in you for a few days?
In one way or another, we all experience rejection. Moreover, it is really painful that after all your hard work and dedication in brainstorming, researching, and writing your proposal, your application gets rejected in the end. You wonder what went wrong and how did this thing ever happened.
You are Not Alone
After feeling bad about the news, you begin to think of how you are going to break the news to your supporters who helped you in every step of the way to get your application done on time.
You're not alone in this predicament. Many have tried to apply for education grants but failed due to one issue or another. All your efforts didn't really go out to the drain because, in the process, you have definitely learned something especially in the writing process. Moreover, your supporters may have seen your hard work as you take an extra mile to reach your target to improve the quality of education of school children in your city or county.
Don't Take it Personally
Generally speaking, both public and private grant-giving organizations review a specific application for eligibility, funding interest, relevance to the community, and technical merits. This process takes place within a month or a quarter.
Reasons why grant proposals are rejected varies. It may range from serious issues such as fraud in documents and information to petty matters like incorrect document format submission and failure to follow directions. Even simple grammatical inaccuracies can sabotage your chances of obtaining favorable results from your application.
If your proposal gets rejected, you don't need to worry yourself over it. Instead of throwing your proposal away, take the opportunity to politely ask for feedback from the funding source. It will be helpful if you get to know the things that should be improved in your proposal. Find out the mistakes and weaknesses in your document and try to further improve the areas you did exceptionally.
Be Hopeful
Read the funding organization's letter again, but this time read it carefully. Does it say your proposed educational program matches their criteria, but their funds have already been allocated? Does it say your non-profit organization is fit for funding, but the itemized budget plan looks confusing?
Like any other ordinary people, funding sources, too, experience crisis and downturn. Under these conditions, donations and other means to raise funds are affected. The key to stay on top is to diversify your fundraising options and strategies.
Even if you don't get funded, your increased knowledge of the grant-making process will prepare you for future battles that lie ahead of you. At the same time, it would help you develop a new game plan for your next grant application.

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